Znate obradu sabirnica? Sabirnice su sastavni dio električnih sustava gdje pomažu u provođenju i distribuciji električne energije. Bete stroj za savijanje sabirnica djeluje kao autocesta za električnu struju, dopuštajući protok energije kroz različite aspekte uređaja. Kao što smo vam rekli, sabirnice se savijaju prema prostoru električnog lica pa će pravi sustav gradnje pomoći da se savijaju na odgovarajuće mjesto. Zamislite da ste umjetnik, ali umjesto boje imate kontrolu nad metalom.
It does not look that difficult if you have been around bus bars that get bent, along with Bete's product hidraulički rezač kabela 630 mm. There is a great deal of technique and familiarity with the behavior of metals in their electrical circuitry form — or metallurgy, if you were paying attention last week. Then, what is done before the other parts to raise the busbar at certain temperature. The heating process was necessary as it softens the busbar and will make it more flexible to bend, otherwise we might snap them. The Good: If the metal was cold, it would snap or finish cracking when you tried to bend it. After that, bend it carefully while hot. So the exact bending is necessary so as not to warp and still seamlessly fit in. It would not work if it is bent in a wrong way.
Spomenutih nekoliko sabirnica ne odgovaraju potrebnom sustavu. Ova Bete stroj za savijanje sabirnica je normalno kada dizajn sustava zahtijeva jedinstven i drugačiji pristup ili postoje prostorna ograničenja. Savijanje sabirnica ovdje dolazi od velike pomoći. Oblik i veličina sustava također će se razlikovati od projekta do projekta, ali inženjeri to mogu poboljšati promjenom profila sabirnice. Poboljšano savijanje - U okolnostima gdje god sabirnica može biti dugačka ili preširoka, može se saviti. Ova proizvodnja slobodnog oblika omogućuje da cijeli električni sustav radi mnogo učinkovitije od bilo čega što bi uspjela generička sabirnica.
Sabirnica se lako savija od sile ruke, što može biti vrlo kobno u korištenju električnog sustava. Jedan od uobičajenih problema zbog savijanja sabirnice na neodgovarajući način je nedostatak električne energije. Ti prekidi u napajanju su opasni i mogu čak uzrokovati iskre ili električni požar. Zbog toga je bitno provesti najbolje postupke savijanja. Imajte na umu da sabirnica mora, naravno, u radno stanje nakon savijanja. Ovo se sastoji od testiranja, kako bi se osiguralo da sabirnica može podnijeti i točno dopustiti da sva električna težina prođe kroz nju. Ova Bete priručnik za savijanje sabirnica osigurava da je sve sigurno i radi glatko.
Bending Busbars are the current trend in Electrical Engineering Industry, as well as the hydraulic hole cutter created by Bete. Although demand for these custom solutions are never going to be disappear, technology is moving at a pace where systems now require more sophisticated electrical products. This introduces more trouble in the task since now the engineers need to work harder and think of innovative ways as solutions. This is so gets the training regarding how to flex busbars properly. This will enable them to roll out more stable and performant systems.
Our modern production park covers an area of 90.000 m2, and has designed a complete industrial structure that combines hardware development and system integration. Our modern production and testing equipment is enhanced with precision production workshops as well as assembly lines. The primary products are Bending busbar, cutting tools, hydraulic pumps, cable strippers and other electric construction equipment.
guarantees the quality of products from raw materials, to semi-finished goods, to finished products. There are also advanced tools for testing including testers for hardness images measuring devices, spectrometers and tensile testing machines as well as pressure testing machines flaw detectors, Bending busbar, etc.
From raw materials through semi-finished goods through finished products on to delivery, there is strict quality inspection hyperlinks to ensure the highest quality of products. There are advanced tools for testing including tests for Bending busbar, image measuring devices, spectrometers and tension testing machines Pressure testing machines, flaw detectors, roughness-measurement equipment, and so on.
We have more than hundred experienced RD engineers and technicians each with more than Bending busbar years of expertise Our team is dedicated to research and innovation of hydraulic technology We provide OEM services that build on our solid RD and production advancements No matter if it's a standard hydraulic product or a specific request we will react quickly and deliver high-quality solutions