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our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-43

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Meie grupi peakontor, juhtiv tööriistade ja instrumentide tarnija MRO, teatab rõõmuga oma kolimisest uude kontorisse

Aprill 11, 2024

Meie 1989. aastal asutatud peakorter on juhtiv tööriistade ja instrumentide MRO tarnija, mis on spetsialiseerunud elektritööstusele. Oleme pühendunud uuenduslike lahenduste ja toodete pakkumisele, mis vastavad meie klientide erinevatele vajadustele.

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Kuna ettevõte kasvab ja areneb, meelitab see liituma üha rohkem silmapaistvaid talente. Seega ehitasime oma tööhoone. Usume, et oma ühiste jõupingutustega suudame tulevikus rohkem kliente paremini teenindada. Meie jõupingutuste suund on alati olnud panustada oma jõuga elektrienergia tööstuse arengusse.

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Kuumad uudised Kuumad uudised

our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-60 Küsitlus our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-61 E-POST our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-62 WhatApp our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-63 WeChat
our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-64
our group headquarters a leading mro supplier of tools and instruments is excited to announce its relocation to a new office-65top